Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let's start a blog!

Cecila - Hello everyone!
Well this is cool. I have a blog. Well we do, my friends and I. It was my idea. See, I was sitting with Raul in one of the study rooms in the library and we were looking at this really great blog called Hyperbole and a Half and, you know, I'm not usually into blogging, or I wasn't, until I got totally hooked on this one, but it's hilarious! We've seriously wasted tons of time laughing our heads off at this blog. 

So we're reading this blog and this idea pops into my head.
It was like this:

ooooooooo........ blooooooooog....
We could start a blog!

Cause see, it's not like our lives aren't interesting. They are!
Would other people be interested in them? Probably not but I am. 

Hi, I'm Cecilia and I'm interested in my own life. 
I feel like I'm in an AA meeting. 

But, yeah, our lives are interesting and filled with strange things like dolphins and rats named Basil. We certainly have enough material to make a blog about. Like that morning at the beach, or that time at Target. Throw in the fact that Raul is my boyfriend and Eric is Emma and Emma and I are roommates and we've got the makings of a beautiful sitcom. 

Raul - ............uh...hi :(
Your keyboard is tiny (read: t y p o s). From now on, I'm using my own, this makes me feel like the world has gotten bigger except for the computer, and using it has suddenly become an enormous chore 

(awesome cartoon omg)

^ that's pre-scan funny sh!t, just so you know. K so... weather, hi, prices, the pope, skynaughts of yore. Am I done?

... guess not.

Eric left today, and I forgot to inapropTYPOS inapropriatDAMN IT... oh duh, inappropriatelySPELL CHECK ROFL k the joke sucks now... anyway i forgot to slap him on the butt, but more on that later.  OMG I HATE THIS COMPUTER

K so far this is a monstrosity against my ability to type and breath normally (interlude...)

...back, lungs say hi.  DOUBLE SPACES (I might actually be hyper, or drunk).  Page up button, who said I wanted to click you? Go dodge bullets somewhere. Ceci's like... dying over there, "Ceci???? LMAO AHAHAHAHA." She laughs at like, everything I do, hence why this is making no sense and I've forgotten what I'm supposed to be OMG FAST TYPING YEAAAAAAairportAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH.

sERIOUSLY WHO SPIKED go to hell caps lock... Ceci says no f word from now on. I'll sneak it in eventually uahaha. It's foreign. Who spiked my large fruit punch from Chik Fil Awithapostrophes. Uh, my stomach feels like goo, I guess that's ok. Is anyone still reading this? Wtf, don't you have anything better to do? Weirdo... go save trees, stop wasting time reading this bullcrap I CAN SAY BULLCRAP. K I've exhausted most of my uh... I don't have a word. Whatever, go burn or something.

-Raul :)

Cecilia - Raul, mi novio... watch your language...

Okay everyone, just to clarify, Raul is not drunk. He always acts like this... when he drinks Hi-C which is why we shouldn't let him drink Hi-C anymore. and really what kind of a drink is that anyway. I haven't had Hi-C since I was like seven!

Raul - I quit.

Emma- ok so first off "Eric is Emma".  Really?  REALLY!?!?!?  I AM NOT A GUY!!!!!  It SHOULD read "Eric is Emma's."  Yes, Eric is my boyfriend, and my lovely roommate and her silly boyfriend are adorable.  Yes, that will earn me glares...maybe. Hee hee.

And seriously, I am usually not the funny one except maybe when I decide to spout something off like "Ok, seriously people, Cannibalism is a discussion that I have with Eric, not with you!" as a priest walks by.  Yeahhhh....I have my moments.  But I shall be the VOR in this blog.  New position for me.  Position...hah....yeah dirty brain lives in the sewer and comes up to the gutter for air. Deal with it.  Anyways....OUCH stupid freaking mosquito.  Dang it Florida.  And Raul is bouncing around the room...andddd I need to get back to writing.  I can only guess at the craziness that will be here eventually.

Raul - Bouncing has ceased. That is all. Going to go find something to break, scuse me.

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